We only use each bottle we buy halfway until it becomes too thick to apply and therefore unusable. And because we spend anywhere from $8 to $38 a bottle on soda, we are understandably reluctant to throw away a half-full bottle.
So, what happens to our polishes to make them retire early? Well, we let air into the bottle with each application, thickening it and coating our nails thickly. However, there are several ways to restore the remaining polish and make it as good as it was during the honeymoon period.
The surge in nail polish purchases means that more than ever, they need to ensure that the bottles and the hazardous waste they may contain (if not properly cleaned) do not become landfills.

Ahead, five tips to make the most of your lacquer so you can say goodbye to clumpy, time-wasting manicures and save even more pocket change.
1. Choose a lighter shade
The reality is that no matter how much you shake, heat and thin your nail polish, it will eventually clump. However, if you want to save money, choose lighter shades — darker shades are more heavily pigmented and therefore tend to thicken more quickly.
2. Shake and roll
Nail polish needs to be shaken well before use — an obvious rule, but one we’re a bit lazy about. Shake thoroughly; turn the bottle upside down and shake the metal ball inside until the clumps dissolve and mix the polish. Then, heat the bottle by rubbing it in the palm of your hand for five minutes; this will help with malleability.
3. Use hot water, not nail polish remover
Despite what previous glosses have told us, do not use nail polish remover to thin thick nail polish. It will only ruin the formula and eventually destroy it. If you don’t have acetone or polish thinner and need a quick fix, try adding a few drops of hot water.
4. Clean brushes with acetone
If shaking and rolling doesn’t work, try cleaning the brush with acetone. Take a glass and fill it with a hardware solution. Make sure the glass is glass, as acetone will melt the plastic. Rotate the brush until the polishing block is loose and comes off. If you have any stubborn clumps, use a paper towel (not a cotton ball!) to remove them. Screw the brush back onto the bottle and do not rinse the acetone off the brush. Acetone will thin out the polish and any clumps. But be sure not to use too much acetone, as it will make the polish prone to cracking.
5. Use nail polish thinner
Instead of acetone, you can also try using a thinner made specifically for nail polish. Most require only two drops to restore polish, then shake well. oRLY’s nail polish thinner is a good choice and can also be used to clean brushes.
As a professional bulk nail polish bottle supplier, we can supply high quality nail polish bottle. Our products are efficient, cost effective and deliver more benefits. Welcome to choose us!